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STEMSelector is an innovative web application that reimagines the way that schools and STEM education resource providers (such as GCL and other non-profits) connect and collaborate. Created by the founders of the GCL Scholars program, STEMSelector is designed to reduce the administrative overhead that schools face when trying to gain access to the free resources organizations advertise.
“We realized, first hand, there was a plethora of resources being offered by various nonprofits, companies, and eager volunteers as well as a vast amount of students in need. Yet, these groups have been unable to reach each other. We decided there needed to be a solution at the structural level.” – Emily Ocasio, co-founder of STEMSelector.

Who we Serve

Do you have connections to students?
If you or your organization fits into any of the categories below, STEMSelector is built to help your organization find resources curated to its needs.
- Title 1 or underfunded school anywhere in the US
- Public housing authority
- Library, community center, or child care center in a low-income area
- Affiliated with any other type of group that primarily serves students without quality STEM education

Do you have STEM education resources?
STEMSelector partners with a large variety of resources in order to meet the diverse demand from the schools, public housing authorities, libraries and more in need. Many companies, colleges, older high school students and more are interested in giving back whether that be by offering their time, equipment or funds. If this sounds like you, we can help you reach your target demographic and help save you the hassle of reinventing the wheel in order to advertise your program.
Impact Summary
To create an account, fill out our survey, find customized matches, and send an initial message
Communities Helped
Is our goal number of schools, public housing authorities, libraries, etc. we hope to use our platform in 2022.
Unique Features
1) Comprehensive matching logic based on: location, need, topic, age, teaching style and more, 2) Automatically customized email templates, 3) Novel methodology that puts school administrators in control, 4) High-quality, vetted resource providers 5) AI augmented matching logic coming soon
Meet the Founders
Ashley Raigosa is an incoming Stanford student for the class of 2026 and is a developer for the STEMSelector website. She is passionate about programming, AI, and developing tech for social good. Her past work includes:
- GCL Director of the Scholars Program and CA Chapter Leader; organize scholar workshops; presented workshops on AI, astronomy, physics, and CS principles
- AI and iOS developer for Spero, the depression analysis app; published in the science journal IJSRCSEIT; 1st in the International Artificial Intelligence Fair
- Justice International intern as the lead iOS Developer; worked for a non-profit which aids those impacted by the Venezuelan diaspora
- NCWIT National Award Winner
- NASA Space Apps Challenge Global Nominee; implemented deep learning algorithms for analyzing CO-2
- Women in Machine Learning and Data Science technical writer